Cheapest ways to get from Calgary to Banff or Canmore
At $20 per seat, Poparide is the cheapest way to get from Calgary to Banff, Canmore or Lake Louise. Other options include the Banff Exporter, Brewster Express, Uber and taking a taxi.
Here are your travel options from cheapest to most expensive…
$15 – $20, 1h30 travel time

You can get a carpool on Poparide with someone who is already driving from Calgary to Banff, Canmore or Lake Louise. Because you’re sharing the cost of the gas with the driver, this option is very affordable.
You can also view a list of all rides from Calgary, going all the way to Golden, Revelstoke and Vancouver.
Banff Airporter
$68.99 per seat, 2 hours travel time

Banff Airporter offers the most extensive schedule between Calgary International Airport and Canmore/Banff, starting as early as 6am from Banff and departing as late as 12:30am from Calgary International Airport.
Brewster Express
Rates start at $74 per seat, 2 hour travel time

Brewster Express offer 3-4 return trips daily between Calgary International Airport and Banff/Canmore/Lake Louise. They also have one daily direct shuttle transfer between Jasper, Banff and Lake Louise.
$130 – $400 fare, 1h30 travel time

Uber is another option to get a ride from the Calgary airport into the Bow Valley, but it’s a little more pricey than a carpool or the bus, and could cost you up to $400.
Also, look out for surge pricing if you’re travelling during the Winter as rates can be a lot higher during a snow storm!
$250 fare, 1h30 travel time

A taxi will cost you around $250 from Abbotsford International Airport to Banff/Canmore. You can hail a taxi directly as you exit the terminal.
FAQ for Calgary, Canmore & Banff
At $20 per seat, Poparide is the cheapest option to travel to Banff from Calgary airport.
Several services operate on the Calgary – Banff connection, including Poparide for about $20 per seat, and private bus companies Banff Airporter and Brewster Express for around $70 per seat.
It takes 1h30min to get from Calgary to Banff by road, and it might take a bit longer with traffic getting out of Calgary and depending on the weather.
Calgary is 130km from Banff and Canmore, or 80 miles. This is a 90 minute drive.
Uber will cost you anywhere from $130 to $400, depending on the demand for its service.
The 140km ride from Calgary to Banff will cost you somewhere around $250 for a 90-minute drive, compared to $70 for the bus and $20 for a carpool.
The closest airport to Lake Louise is the Calgary International Airport. You can get from Lake Louise to Calgary for $25 per seat on average using ridesharing platforms like Poparide.
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