Only $25 from Toronto to London
The most affordable way to get from Toronto to London!

Cheapest ways from Toronto to London Ontario

Averaging a price of $30 per seat, Poparide is the cheapest way to get from Toronto to London Ontario.

This article lists the different ways from cheapest to most expensive.


$30 per seat (2h – 4h travel time)

Poparide members on the road
Poparide members on the road

Poparide (full disclaimer: that’s us!) is one of the cheapest ways to travel or commute from London Ontario to Toronto affordably. Why? Because the costs of the vehicle are shared between the driver and passengers.

Drivers post their empty seats on Poparide and passengers book online through our carpooling community that now boasts over 1 million members in Canada. It’s easier and safer than Kijiji or Craigslist because you can see detailed profiles of members with their reviews and a profile picture. You can also message everyone and organize your trips in a user-friendly way through our app (available on iOS or Android).

Carpooling from Toronto to London Ontario costs about $30 per seat and if you’re driving, you can make $30 per passenger to help cover your gas. Got a car with 3 empty seats? Your wallet is going to like that extra $90 for filling those seats on Poparide!

Click here to book your ride or if you’re driving, post a trip on Poparide.


No longer provides service in Canada

Greyhound Bus in Canada
Picture from BusBud

Greyhound permanently suspended its operations in Canada on May 13, 2021, citing sustained ridership declines in Ontario and Quebec after pulling out of Western Canada in 2018.

Click here for affected routes and operations

Via Rail

$37 – $160 per seat (2h30 – 4h30 travel time)

Via Rail Canada with a passenger walking
Picture from CTV News

Via Rail is a train service that serves more than 400 communities across Canada.

There are three return trips per day between Toronto and London. The prices and refund policies of your train tickets vary depending on the type of ticket (Escape, Economy, Economy Plus, Business, Business Plus), so make sure you verify the refund policy of each ticket before buying one! 

Click here to book your seats


$75 – $230 per seat on average (45 minutes flight time)

WestJet airplane flying above Toronto
Picture from WestJet

Yep, flying is expensive, but it’s fast. The cheapest ticket you can probably find is $75 per seat, each way, if you book in advance. Gotta get there tomorrow? A last-minute flight could cost you more than $350, so be careful!

WestJet and Air Canada are the two main airlines serving YXU to YYZ airport.

Click here to book a flight


$182 – $338 per fare (2h30 to 4h30 travel time)

Uber price estimator from London Ontario to Toronto

Uber is the most expensive option to get from Toronto to London Ontario, as this is like using any taxi service to get from A to B. Beware: a price surge could also greatly increase the fare!

The trip is a long distance for a driver (even more if there’s traffic), so there’s a strong possibility that only a few drivers will accept your request, as it would mean wasting a few hours of their time for the return trip after they’ve brought you to your destination.

Click here to book an Uber

FAQ from Toronto to London

How far is London Ontario from Toronto?

The distance between London Ontario and Toronto is about 200 km on Highway 401, which takes 2 to 5 hours to drive, depending on traffic. Post your trip on Poparide and make $30 per seat to offset your driving costs.

How much does it cost to drive from Toronto to London Ontario?

To drive the 200 km between Toronto and London at an average price of $1.20/L and 12L/100km, it will cost you about $28 and you can make up to $30 per passenger on Poparide by filling your empty seats.