$10 Abbotsford to Vancouver
Poparide is cheapest way to get from Abbotsford to Vancouver

Cheapest ways to get from Abbotsford airport to Vancouver?

You’ve just got yourself a cheap flight from Hamilton to Abbotsford for $150 and now you’re wondering how to travel the last 70 km to Vancouver? Look no further…

Here are all the options from cheapest to most expensive…

By transit

$8.15, 2hr 30min travel time

Transit to Abbotsford airport

There is no direct transit line from Abbotsford airport to Vancouver but it is possible to get between the two using public transit. You’ll need to take two buses and a Skytrain, and do a bit of walking.

There are two main routes you can take with Transit, and the best way to figure out the fastest is by looking up the timing of each route on Google maps, using the “transit option”.


$10 per seat, 60 minutes travel

Rideshare Abbotsford to Vancouver

Poparide is a city-to-city ridesharing platform (full disclaimer: we run it) with a mission to fill empty seats in cars and help people travel together.

You can catch a ride from Abbotsford to Vancouver for around $10, or if you’re driving, you can post a trip and make money on your empty seats when going to the airport.

Sign up is free for both passengers and drivers.

Reliable Bus

$30 per seat, Abbotsford Airport to Vancouver, 1hr 10min travel 

Reliable bus is a local company providing a daily shuttle service from Abbotsford International Airport to downtown Vancouver ($30 per seat) and Burnaby (Lougheed Mall) ($25 per seat). Lougheed Mall is a $4.35 Skytrain ride (2 zones) to downtown Vancouver.

Book your seats for Reliable bus through Poparide here


$44 per seat, 1hr 20min travel

Ebus Abbotsford

They currently offer 4 daily services from Abbotsford airport to Vancouver for $44 per seat. They also go East to Chilliwack, Hope, Merritt, Kelowna and Kamloops.

Click here to book your seat

Valley Airporter Shuttle

$50 per seat to Surrey, 45 minutes travel

Valley Airporter rates

Valley Airporter provides pre-booked shuttle service to and from Abbotsford airport anywhere within a 60 km radius.

Visit the Valley Airporter website


$150 fare, 1 hour travel

Abbotsford taxi

A taxi will cost you around $150 from Abbotsford airport to Vancouver, and you can get one on the curbside of the airport, or book one in advance.

Visit the Abbotsford Airport website for more information on taxis.

Uber and Lyft

$80 fare, depending on departure time

Uber and Lyft now provide on-demand ride hailing service between Abbotsford Airport and downtown Vancouver.

How far is Abbotsford from Vancouver?

The distance between Abbotsford and Vancouver is about 70 km on Trans-Canada Highway, which takes 1 hour to drive on average, depending on traffic. Post your trip on Poparide and make $10 per seat to offset your driving costs.

Where is Abbotsford, BC?

Abbotsford is the largest municipality in the province outside Greater Vancouver and is located adjacent to the Canada–United States border. You can get from Vancouver to Abbotsford for $10 per seat on Poparide or $30 per seat with Reliable Bus.

How much does it cost to drive from Abbotsford to Vancouver?

To drive the 70 km between Abbotsford and Vancouver at an average price of $1.20/L and 12L/100km, it will cost you about $10 and you can make up to $10 per passenger on Poparide by filling your empty seats.

Is there a bus/shuttle from Abbotsford to Vancouver?

Yes. Reliable Bus is the cheapest bus option at $30 per seat and Ebus is second at $44 per seat. You can also use Valley Airporter Shuttle to get to Surrey for $50 per seat.