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Trajet passé
56 conduits

Vancouver à Squamish

Date de départ mardi 23 juillet à 08h45
Départ: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Arrivée: Squamish, BC, Canada
1 place libre  •  9$ par place
Trajet vu par 9 personnes
"I'll be leaving from Olympic Village, driving up Smithe, and going over Lions Gate Bridge via West Georgia. Group pickups are easiest at the Boston Pizza (Smithe and Hornby).

"I'll be leaving from Olympic Village, driving up Smithe, and going over Lions Gate Bridge via West Georgia. Group pickups are easiest at the Boston Pizza (Smithe and Hornby).

Dropoffs can be made along Highway 99 with furthest drop being made at the Squamish Adventure Center."
Détails du véhicule
Max 2 personnes derrière
Bagage médium ok
Pas de pneus d'hiver
Pas de skis/snowboards
Pas de vélos
Pas d'animaux
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