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Trajet passé
480 conduits

Mount Currie à Squamish

Date de départ mardi 3 janvier à 16h15
Départ: Mount Currie, BC, Canada
Arrivée: Squamish, BC, Canada
1 place libre  •  14$ par place
Trajet vu par 16 personnes
"Pickup and drop off locations: Squamish in front of fortune kitchen, Whistler creekside tim hortons parking area, or whistler main bus loop in village by blackcomb lodge, pemberton..."
"Pickup and drop off locations: Squamish in front of fortune kitchen, Whistler creekside tim hortons parking area, or whistler main bus loop in village by blackcomb lodge, pemberton petrocan gasstation, mt currie in front of highway 99 cafe. Along the highway somewhere where I can stop is fine too, just let me know when you book."
Détails du véhicule
Max 2 personnes derrière
Bagage large ok
Equippé de pneus d'hiver
Skis / snowboards ok
Pas de vélos
Pas d'animaux
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