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Trajet passé
12 conduits

Mississauga à Waterloo

Date de départ jeudi 30 mai à 16h00
Départ: The Eatery, 5050 Satellite Dr, Mississauga, ON L4W 0E3, Canada
Arrivée: 680 Columbia Forest Blvd, Waterloo, ON N2V 2K7, Canada
3 places libres  •  15$ par place
Trajet vu par 7 personnes
"I am driving to my office and would like to give a ride who are on the route. I can pick and drop at ur place if it’s not too far from my destination. 
Message me exact Pick and d..."
"I am driving to my office and would like to give a ride who are on the route. I can pick and drop at ur place if it’s not too far from my destination. 
Message me exact Pick and drop location. Reach out at (CELLULAIRE CACHÉ)"
Détails du véhicule
Grand Caravan
Bagage large ok
Equippé de pneus d'hiver
Pas de skis/snowboards
Pas de vélos
Animaux acceptés
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