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Trajet passé
3 conduits

Langford à Duncan

Date de départ vendredi 28 février à 16h00
Départ: Langford, BC, Canada
Arrivée: Duncan, BC, Canada
1 place libre  •  7$ par place
Trajet vu par 19 personnes
"Hello, I drive in my brand new Honda Odyssey minivan quite regular to Whistler and back from Victoria. I would be happy to have some company and share the cost as well. Thanks, Mat..."
"Hello, I drive in my brand new Honda Odyssey minivan quite regular to Whistler and back from Victoria. I would be happy to have some company and share the cost as well. Thanks, Matt."
Détails du véhicule
Bagage médium ok
Equippé de pneus d'hiver
Skis / snowboards ok
Pas de vélos
Pas d'animaux
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