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Trajet passé
6 conduits

Golden à Calgary

Date de départ jeudi 19 décembre à 12h45
Départ: Golden, BC, Canada
Arrivée: Calgary International Airport, Airport Road Northeast, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2 places libres  •  36$ par place
Trajet vu par 34 personnes
"Hey,  I’m driving Revelstoke to Calgary and back again to fly home for the holidays.  I am looking to drive directly there and back with minimal stopping.   I am a very safe and re..."
"Hey,  I’m driving Revelstoke to Calgary and back again to fly home for the holidays.  I am looking to drive directly there and back with minimal stopping.   I am a very safe and reliable driver with lots of experience.   Would love to help some people get where they need to go safely during the holiday season.  Sorry no pets in my truck."
Détails du véhicule
Bagage large ok
Equippé de pneus d'hiver
Skis / snowboards ok
Pas de vélos
Pas d'animaux
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