Core 1.16 - 10 juillet 2024
- Updated section 6.4.3 c) from "give any missing Passengers a courtesy call before leaving the pick-up location" to "make an effort to contact any missing Passengers before leaving the pick-up location". - Changed section 6.6. from Insurance to “Driver’s licensing and Insurance” and renamed “6.6. Insurance” to “6.6.2 Insurance requirements” - Added section “6.6.1 Driver’s license requirements”
Core 1.15 - 4 juin 2024
- Updated 6.4.3 Conditions for the driver to get paid to make it up to the driver's discretion to wait at the pickup location past departure time - Updated Passenger cancellation policy so that passengers are ineligible for a refund if they don't show up on time on departure
Privacy 1.4 - 13 mai 2024
- Added clause related to identity verification and retention of biometric data
Core 1.14 - 13 mai 2024
- Updated section 6.8 on Identity Verification
Community 3.0 - 7 décembre 2023
- Updated our community agreement for more security and reliability
Core 1.13 - 10 janvier 2023
- Capitalized all terms in the definitions and fixing minor typos - Added a new section in to allow Poparide to issue refunds to Passengers in certain exceptional events outside of the Passenger Cancellation Policy - Removed the minimum age clause for the referral service as the minimum age is already defined in 4.1.9 - Changed the term "Rideshare" to "Carpool" for consistency - Removed Public and Private messages sections and consolidated into one section for Messages - Removed clause on not being able to grant promo codes to family members of friends in section 6.9.3 as it is not enforceable - Added link to our Privacy Policy in section 6.8.3 - Removed section on Ambassadors as it is no longer an active program - Removed section on needing at least one social media account to get verified as it is no longer the case - Changed terminology "Verification" to "ID Verification" - Edited section 6.4.2 Payout Process to forfeit funds after 365 days, instead of 12 months, for clarity - Added French translations
Privacy 1.3 - 30 janvier 2022
- Added clause for requesting deletion of account data
Privacy 1.2 - 23 septembre 2021
- add Android app privacy disclosure section
Core 1.12 - 26 août 2021
- Changed "Ridesharing" to "Carpooling" for consistency
Core 1.11 - 16 octobre 2020
- Added payout fee definitions and conditions - Added mention in clause 6.1 that the driver who posted the trip must be the primary driver
Core 1.10 - 9 octobre 2020
- Updated definition of Booking fee and its occurrences in the terms to omit the exact percentage of the fee to accommodate for tax and fluctuations in fees - Updated section to include verification clauses for bank accounts - Updated section to exclude payouts to drivers who operate a commercial service
Community 2.0 - 15 juin 2019
- Simplified our community agreement
Core 1.9 - 14 septembre 2018
- Section 5.2: Added a mandatory requirement for members to provide their legal first names and last names - Section Added a clause that the driver should get the passengers to the final destination in order to receive a payout - Section 8: New section. Anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies
Core 1.8 - 12 mai 2018
- Section Changed to accommodate new custom expiry feature for Booking Requests
Core 1.7 - 16 mars 2018
- Section 6.5 title: Added mention of no-shows - Section 6.5 subtitle: Added mention of a no-show - Section 6.5.1 title: Changed to Driver cancellation policy - Section Removed the 24 hour threshold for receiving a cancellation review (all cancellations are created equal for drivers) - Section 6.5.1 footer: Changed verbiage to “Cancellation of trips by a driver may lead to the closure of their Poparide account”. - Added Section 6.5.2 for Driver no-show Policy - Section 6.5.3 title: Changed to Passenger cancellation policy - Section 6.5.3 footer: Changed verbiage to “Cancellation of bookings by a passenger may lead to the closure of their Poparide account”. - Added Section 6.5.4 for Passenger no-show Policy
Privacy 1.1 - 15 novembre 2017
- Updated operating name to “Pop” and the “Site” to the “Service” - Changed “User” to “Member” - Added Safety and Compliance with Law section
Community 1.0 - 15 novembre 2017
- Initial version
Core 1.6 - 15 novembre 2017
- Updated our official address - Major restructure of sections for improved readability - Addition of table of contents for quicker and easier access - Minor language improvements to the definitions - Changed “User” to “Member” throughout the document for consistency - 3. Updated Your conduct section to protect members more thoroughly from abuse and unlawful behaviour - 4. Added exception to no commercial activity for partners and made minor language improvements - 4.1 Added clause disallowing speculative trips - 4.2 Minor verbiage tweaks, Housekeeping of sections: reordered to payments, payouts, cancellations. - 4.4.2 Restructured to accommodate a full section on messages and another on Request to book and Instant book. Also introduced a restriction on exchanging personal contact details prior to a booking being approved. - 4.6.2 Restructured Payouts into Payout Methods, Payout Process and Conditions for the Driver to get paid. Added condition that the driver must arrive 5 minutes prior to the agreed pickup time, wait for a maximum of 10 minutes and give missing passengers a courtesy call before leaving without them. - 4.6 Added clause on full refund for withdrawn and expired bookings under the Request to book system. - 4.8.1 Added section introducing cash restriction. - 4.8.2 Amendment to how the money is stored with Pop (in escrow and NOT within RBC). - 4.9 Changed minimum age of referral program to 18 and minor formatting edits to currency symbols for $CAD - 5. Added Community Agreement clause - 8. Removed username as we don’t have usernames anymore - 15. Minor verbiage changes for consistency
Core 1.5 - 21 juillet 2017
Amendment to the definition of "Service" to include use through two domains, "" and "". 3.1.10 Amendment You must be at least 18 years old and able to enter into legally binding contracts to access and use the Pop Service or register for a Pop Account. By accessing or using the Pop Service you represent and warrant that you are 18 or older and have the legal capacity and authority to enter into a contract. 4.3.2 Amendment Verify your email address and have access to that email address while making use of the Service 4.3.3 Amendment Verify your cell phone number and have access to communicate with other Users via calls and text messages while making use of the Service 4.4.1 Amendment Pop reserves the right to - withdraw the Booking service it provides and restrict it to a cohort of Users and / or only select origins, destinations or regions. - make exceptions to the policies of the Booking service 4.4.2 Amendment Changed reference of Section 3.3.4 to Section 4.4.5 4.4.5 Amendment Changed section title to “Payments and Cancellations” Amendment If the Driver cancels a Trip less than twenty four (24) hours before the Trip’s departure time (late cancellation), the Driver receives an automatic review on their profile with a late cancellation Amendment If the Driver does not show up for a Trip (no-show), the Driver receives an automatic review on their profile with a no-show. Amendment Change reference of to Change “Driver receiving a Payment” to “Driver receiving a Payout” Added: “A Driver or Passenger may raise a dispute for a Booking within the four (4) day dispute window by using the review system provided by the Service.”
Core 1.4 - 15 juillet 2017
- Changed minimum age requirement from 19 to 18 years old
Core 1.3 - 28 mars 2017
- Added “Payment” term to definitions - Added “Booking fee” term to definitions - Added “Payout” term to definitions - Added “Account” term to definitions - Added section 4.3 on Access to Rideshare service - Added section 4.4.3 on Currency - Updated section on Payouts to reflect new Payout policies (now - Changed booking dispute window from 7 to 4 days
Core 1.2 - 18 novembre 2016
- Change “Hitcher” to Passenger” - Change “HitchPlanet” to Pop - Change “Terms and Conditions” to “Terms of Service” - Change first sentence of first paragraph to: These Terms of Service apply to all services provided by HitchPlanet Online Inc. (a company registered in British Columbia, Canada and incorporated on November 5, 2014 under the BC Business Corporations Act with Certificate of Incorporation 825925183BC0001) whose registered office is at 2993 Alberta Street, Vancouver, BC V5Y 3Z2 Canada. HitchPlanet Online Inc. operates the Pop Rideshare service (hereinafter referred to as “Pop”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) [...] - Remove paragraph that starts with “Welcome to this website…. etc)”... - Changed title to “Responsibilities for the Driver to get paid” - Added Disputing cancellations, bookings or payments A Driver or Passenger have 7 days after a Trip was scheduled to depart on the Service to dispute a Booking, Cancellation or Payment that would result in the Driver receiving a Payment, as per section If there has been no dispute from the Driver or Passenger within 7 days after the Trip was scheduled to depart on the Service on any Bookings, Cancellations or Payments on that Trip resulting in Contributions for the Driver, or the Passenger has indicated the Trip has successfully happened through the Service or through any other communication channels, including our Support channels or any other online or offline communication channels, inside or outside the scope of our Service, the Payment to the Driver will proceed as per usual and under the rules defined in this Section. Beyond the 7 day dispute window after a Trip was scheduled to depart on the Service, we will not process a refund to the Passenger or Driver. - Added a new Referral program section as 4.8
Core 1.1 - 7 juillet 2016
- Altered clause increased the period prior to departure within which we consider a driver cancelling to be a "late" cancellation from 2 hours to 24 hours. - Redefined the word "Site" to "Service", which broadly covers our website (both mobile and browser), iOS and Android applications. - Added a section titled "Change of Terms and Conditions" which sets out our notification policies surrounding the change of terms and conditions.
Privacy 1.0 - 15 décembre 2014
- Initial version
Core 1.0 - 15 décembre 2014
- Initial version