What’s the cheapest way to get from Kelowna to Vancouver?
This article lists the different ways to get from Kelowna to Vancouver: by car, rideshare, bus or plane, as well as other details like pick-up and drop-off locations, weather, and more!
This article lists the different ways to get from Kelowna to Vancouver: by car, rideshare, bus or plane, as well as other details like pick-up and drop-off locations, weather, and more!
At around $50 per person, booking a rideshare on Poparide is the cheapest way to get from Vancouver to Kelowna. This article lists all the different ways to make the journey from Vancouver to Kelowna, which is about 400 kms, from cheapest to most expensive. Poparide $50 per seat (4h – 5h travel time, depending …